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RAC Videos

ROLF Artist Consulting, believes that sharing how the different services work within RAC, builds trust with the public. The RAC Videos are a great way to better understand how clients needs are addressed, and how those needs help build the curriculums for the clients. 

Intro to the RAC Website:

I am extremely happy to bring to you, a full in-depth review of my website, RAC. Having spent time designing, and updating specific parts, I feel I have unlocked a great plethora of potential with my RAC Website. Enjoy!

RAC Email Evaluation:

In this promotional video, Founder, Rolf Anthony Young, demonstrates the email evaluation he performs when a prospective client contacts him.

let's talk about Patreon:

What the heck is Patreon? Relax friend...i got you! Watch this video I created to unlock the potential within you to create your very own Patreon page. Enjoy!

RAC Instructional Workbooks:

This video explores the concept of my RAC Instructional Workbooks. The focus of this video is my RAC Instructional Workbook titled "Get Your Art Out There!". Enjoy!

let's talk about Wordpress:

Buckle in! This is a LONG VIDEO. But it is worth watching if you are new to Wordpress. I created this video as way to discuss my experience of using Wordpress for my website, which dates back to 2014. Enjoy!

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